i turn 33 today.

November 21, 2014

Often when people ask me my age, I end up not remembering what it is immediately. “I’m… thirty….. two!” I’d say, after a pause and some thinking. I just simply can’t remember how old I am off the top of my head anymore. My mom used to say something about forgetting how old you actually are after a certain age, and I felt that once I hit thirty, I have just completely forgotten how many years after thirty it’s been. I tell myself that this year, I have less of an excuse to not remember, because it’s double numbers, and as long as I can remember 3, I’ll be good to go. ;)

This year itself has been an interesting one. My year as a 32 year old started off rocky, but as I look back a year later, I am happy to say that I have come away a thousand times stronger than I was 365 days ago. It’s funny how much can happen in a year, but it’s also wonderful how much growth can happen in that timespan as well. The quote I chose for the above image captures this past year in many ways for me. Much of the year has been a lot of soul searching, a lot of figuring out who I am, and where I stand in my beliefs & values. And by doing this, I have never felt so authentic, so honest, and so me.

In addition to looking back, I am also looking forward to the coming year. There are going to be some major changes which will be announced in the coming weeks. Exciting things are in the works, and I can’t wait for this new phase in life.

In all of this, there has always been photography. Aside from Zach, who is always my rock, photography has been one of my biggest constants. It has been my medium for expression for at least the last 10 years, and in no way is that going to stop any time soon. If anything, the last year has strengthened my desire to continue to find expression through photography. Not only expression, but the need to tell stories; my story, as well as others’. Photography is my medium for storytelling, my way of sharing with others how I see the world, and how it makes me feel. I love sharing that with others, because I want people to be inspired by life and the beauty that lies in it, much the same way that I am. The beauty of the grand moments, the beauty of the special moments, and the beauty of the simple everyday moments. These are all threads in the fabric of life, and recognizing them can only enrich who we are.

So with all that said, I’ve decided a few things for my 33rd birthday. I won’t stop sharing. I won’t stop taking pictures. I won’t stop telling my story and I won’t stop telling other peoples’ stories through imagery. I won’t stop being honest. I won’t stop dreaming and I won’t stop finding wonder in life.

I hope to take you on this journey with me, as I know it’s going to be an adventure.

Photos of me by Zachary Kearns


4 Responses to “i turn 33 today.”

  1. Jennie says:

    Happiest birthday soulmate. :) You are and forever will be so beautiful! Love you! Can’t wait what else is in store for you!

  2. Cecilia says:

    Happy 33rd, Susan! Here’s to another year of growth and discovery! (And I agree that after 30, I, too, started losing track of my age! Never thought I’d do that.)

  3. Regan says:

    Such pretty photos! Happy 33rd

  4. Susan says:

    JENNIE – thank you soulmate!! :)

    CECILIA – thanks cece!! <3

    REGAN – thank you so much!