la crescenta & pasadena, california.
early morning wedding + absolutely no sleep + salt of the earth people = <3
These two are salt of the earth people. Truly, truly. One of the things I love about weddings are the amazing people I get to meet and get to know, and these two are close to the very top of my list. People who are open, and surround themselves with the same type of open & amazing people make wedding a pure joy to photograph. Especially when I had absolutely NO SLEEP the night before. Yes, you heard me right. The night before this wedding was one of those nights where I just simply could not fall asleep and it was an early day, so we shot the day on pretty much no sleep. And I have to say, I couldn’t be happier with how it all came together. Of course, when you have such wonderful people, it just makes your job easier :)
My favorite part about almost all these images? Everyone’s expressions. So genuine, and so filled with love. It makes me filled with warmth. :)
ceremony . st luke of the mountains . la crescenta, ca
reception . rococo room . pasadena, ca
P.S. If you have noticed, yes, this wedding isn’t recent at all. I’ve been furiously trying to catch up on blogging, and I really want to blog everything I have shot. But it’s super hard when you’re as behind on blogging as I am. So what I’m planning on doing from here on out is mixing recent shoots with past shoots. Hopefully this will allow me to catch up properly. :)