Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

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Can you believe that this was the first time I ever went camping? Because it was. We frolic-ed, danced, climbed rocks, took lots of film images (most of these are film) and woke up early to have a bit of early morning fun. Ate donuts at the Jelly Donut on the way home, and basked in all the picture-taking. It was a fantastic time, and so glad I got to go with some of the best people in the world. <3

oh, canada.

February 25, 2010

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Back in January I traveled to Vancouver to photograph a wedding & got a chance to explore downtown on my own. It was a lovely city, & I really would like to come back when it’s summer because I keep hearing about how gorgeous it is in the summer. The fun thing about being there was seeing the city getting ready for the Olympics. That, and how proud Canadians are of being, well, Canadians. :)

(It also delighted me how Canadians said the word “process” and how everything was officially said/written in both English and French!)

I will definitely be posting the rest of my images from my trip soon. <3