Archive for the ‘Polaroids’ Category

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So very Southern California.

(and yes, it’s technically no longer the weekend, but I wanted to post one more) ;)

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It feels sooo good to be back on my bike & riding again <3

time tested books.

February 28, 2010

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Time Tested Books. A lovely little used bookstore in Sacramento, CA. :)

the ocean.

February 26, 2010

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Been doing a lot of daydreaming lately, mostly about waking up early and walking to the beach for a morning stroll. :)

Just the idea of taking walks to somewhere lovely! It keeps me going. :)


What have you been daydreaming about lately?

through the looking glass.

February 21, 2010

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This image is one of my favorite polaroids I’ve taken – I just love how you can see my kitty’s reflection in the window. So gorgeous.

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I know I haven’t been posting very large posts recently, a lot has been going on and there are many changes coming ahead. I am so dying to share with you posts from weddings & engagements and other shoots that I have done, but sitting down and picking images for a blog post and then editing the images just for the blog post is a lot of work! Hopefully soon I will be able to share again, and catch up with all my terribly behind blogs!

A lot is in store for the future! And I am very much looking forward to them & sharing with you all.