Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

There are few events and moments in your life that change you & your outlook on life & people profoundly. Last week was one of those weeks. It’s hard to know where to start – there was so much going on that it’s almost like a jumbled thought. But perhaps we should start at the beginning?

As I was flying over San Diego on my way home, I spotted fires and was greeted to a haze of smoke. Early in the morning, we were woken up and forced to evacuate the area. As you pack all those things that you hold dear to you, or know that you simply cannot replace, you realize what things that are truly important to you – and everything else is just filler built to make life convenient.

Here are a few photos from the evacuation experience. I posted some already before, but here are some more.

The skies that morning.

Gromit waiting for us to leave.

A product of the winds

Del Mar – not so bad

A few miles up in Cardiff – HUGE difference. I didn’t color change anything.

After passing Encinitas – it was literally a wall that was passed through. It was so strange.

Watching the news nonstop.

My kitty scared out of his mind. We were staying with friends with some other friends there, and there were a total of 5 cats and one dog in that home.

Ash on my car the next morning

During the same week, I was most fortunate to attend the Jesh de Rox (blog) Life as an Artform workshop, which was to say the least, amazing. It’s almost impossible to put into words all that I learned, felt and discovered. I met amazing, amazing people from all over, all of whom I feel are friends for life for me. The host studio, The Image is Found (blog), are some of the most wonderful people in the world. I am more than blessed to call you friends now. They have one particularly hilarious animation of Jesh “connecting” with Mike & Nellie on their blog too ;)

This workshop was more than just about how to take better pictures, or become a better photographer. It was about becoming a better you. And not in the sense that we need to change ourselves because we’re horrible people, but to change our outlook and attitudes and to realize our potential as people who are capable of immense love. The connections that I have made during that time are ones that I will never ever forget. I’ve realized so much during the workshop, so much about myself as a person, a photographer, and someone who relates to people everyday. Every connection that we make has the potential to be life changing. Wouldn’t you want to be a part of that?

I am simply filled with so much love right now, it’s amazing. Love and wonder.

I feel… free.

Also, as an icing on the cake, I got to meet and photograph Amy Seeley – whose music I simply love. I love listening to her as I’m editing photos, and just in general. You must check her music out! And to listen to her live in such an intimate setting of only 13 people? Words could not describe it. ;) I’m totally excited to be seeing her again as she will be singing at my good friend’s wedding in a month. :) Here are some of the photos that I took of her.

Also, as one of the assignments, I photographed the wonderful and beautiful Sarah Maren from my hometown of Sacramento. Here are a few shots from that (you can see the shots she took of me on her blog ;))

I actually didn’t do a lot of shooting during the actual workshop outside of our assignments, so I did most of my shooting while we were all hanging out. Here are a few shots ;)

Jesh spreadin’ the love & Jennifer

[b]ecker, Jessica Claire & Jesh

Lisa & Sarah, peeking at what Jesh was doing

Heather having way too much fun with the hurricane blower!

Jesh making some hand movement he makes often. Taken by Heather.


Heather, Jennifer & Lisa listening to Jesh’s wisdom

Me, taken by Heather

On top of all that, it was Jesh’s birthday last week, and we were able to give him a nice little birthday love with a little ice cream cake. ;) I especially love the various faces Jesh had made throughout the photos.

Jesh’s pot pie. You had to be there.

Sarah, Nate & Jaclyn


Happy birthday, Jesh!

Connecting with his cake.. haha!

Showing off his guns.

This face just cracks me up

Jesh, Heather & Ed

Nate, Shannon


Sarah and THE ECLAIR.

Sara F, Shannon & Kathy

Kathy, Jesh, Heather, Ed

Thank you, Nate & Jaclyn, for opening your studio to us, and your lives. You’re beautiful (and hilarious) people and I look forward to crossing paths in the future. :) It can’t be that hard, right? We’re in the same town! lol

Thank you, Jesh, for opening yourself to all of us, and helping me realize the potential in me. For that I am indebted to you. You’re a beautiful soul, and definitely a friend for life. :)

And thank you, Sarah M, Heather, Lisa, Jennifer, Justin, Ed, Kathy, Sara F, and Shannon – I’m blessed to have met you all, get to know you better, and like I said before, we are friends for life. I hope that our paths will soon cross again one day. ;)

P.S. Happy Halloween! :)

The San Diego Fires…

October 22, 2007

This morning I woke up to the doorbell being run numerous times – our friend had come by to tell us that our area was having a mandatory evacuation. At first I was in a panic – I didn’t know what to pack! But then I went into turbo mode, and packed all the things that I knew I simply could not replace, and packed the car up and headed north to our friend’s place. As we headed from our place, we took the PCH, and headed up through Encinitas, where it was completely awful. When we reached Carlsbad, it was like night and day. The skies are still blue here, it’s pretty crazy.

I took a few photos on the way up and I will probably be posting more once this all dies down, but I just wanted to post as I went. I saw the fires overhead as I flew in from Sacramento last night, I didn’t realized how large of a magnitude this would get.

My thoughts are with those immediately affected right now, we’re praying for those who have already lost homes, and those who are praying for their own home’s safety (like we are right now!)

Thank you SO much to everyone who have offered their homes and their help. It makes me warm and fuzzy to know how many people care and makes you realize how important people and the things you actually take with you are. I will still be checking my email and I still have my cell phone. I’m going to try and get some work done while we are waiting, but it’s still pretty crazy.

Cardiff By The Sea

The smoke billowing over in Carlsbad

I’ll keep everyone posted if I find out more info, but for now, please keep us and others affected in your prayers!