Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category


‘Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.’ - dr seuss.

How often have we censored our thoughts simply because we’re afraid what others will think of us? I know I do it all the time. But like wise ole Dr Seuss said, those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind. So say what you think, really, cause I think the world could always use a bit more authenticity. :)

on happiness.

January 9, 2010


‘happiness will  never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.’ – unknown




I absolutely adore farmer’s markets. Some of my earliest memories of the farmer’s market is with my mother, on early Sunday mornings. The farmer’s market where I grew up was in a freeway underpass, so I mostly remember the feeling of being under the giant freeways in the early morning, with people (mostly old ladies) pushing the wire carts, bargaining for the best price for produce.

Now I just love walking through them, taking a look at what’s in season, what people are growing. I love chatting with the vendors, talking about the best way to cook something and how you should eat it. When the farmer’s market in my neighborhood just opened up, I was ecstatic – I would go every week. I became a regular – the fish guys would chat with me about the best way to cook the fish, and the almond guys would smile in recognition. I would get talked into buying pickled garlic (which is GOOD especially if you love garlic like me) and the most delicious cured meats. The flower vendor that was in the back of the market was the sweetest man – he once complimented my boots, and gave me a free small bunch of flowers every time I would buy from him. And he would smile so happily. It was for this reason that I would only buy flowers from him in the whole market.

I just loved being able to connect with where my food comes from – seeing the faces that grew the food. You can tell just how much they care about it. And of course, it’s good for the environment to buy locally. :)

Next time you need to buy some produce, give your local farmer’s markets a try. Maybe you’ll love it just as much as I do :)

moments from my birthday.

January 7, 2010














This past birthday (back in November) was a pretty low key one, I didn’t even come up with anything till the day before, when I decided to let my friends know that I was planning on having a small picnic at the beach and they were welcome to join :) The picnic started off really late, but it was such a nice time, spending it with friends, enjoying the gorgeous day & just having a lovely time overall.

I am definitely thankful for all my friends & loved ones, & being able to share another year with all of them. & all of you :)

No, this birthday wasn’t big or fancy, I didn’t go to Disneyland like I did the year before. But it was good. And I enjoyed every minute of it.


I shall be sharing polaroids from this lovely day down the line ;)

moments from christmas.

January 2, 2010


One of my most favorite, favorite things is tulle fog. The kind that lays low to the ground, mostly found in the morning. When we drive home for the holidays, we usually drive by the farmlands just at dawn, and I just love seeing the sun come up, and the fog skimming over the ground.

Here are just a few moments from our holiday back home. <3

















new beginnings . 2010.

January 1, 2010


One of the things I miss from home is morning frost. When everything would be covered in a thin layer of ice, almost like it lightly snowed the night before. Zach and I delighted when we went home for the holidays, this was one of the things we were able to enjoy when we pulled up to our parents homes.

It seems appropriate to post something like this for the new year – morning frost meant a new day, a new beginning, something fresh and beautiful.

Here’s to a new beginning, a new year, and many more delightful mornings. :)

& a year of posting an image everyday – if I can do it again!

Happy 2010!