an afternoon by the ocean.

February 3, 2010











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Just after Christmas, I took an afternoon and visited the ocean, to just get some time to myself & reconnect with the sea.

I love the light down here in the winter – it’s just so gorgeous.

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A few things I’m enjoying lately:

+ love these outfits from Anthropologie.

+ this fabulous post from The Sartorialist about gracefulness and being graceful to one another.

+ dear creatures . their outfits are so flippin cute.

+ i would have so participated in this if i only lived in Portland!

+ hickorees is all kinds of awesome.

+ knitted items, especially wrapped around things.

+ the alexi murdoch station on pandora is probably the best thing ever.

+ i have yet to see the movie, but i totally want the book.

+ love this collection of plates.

6 Responses to “an afternoon by the ocean.”

  1. you, my dear, are a constant inspiration.

  2. lroah says:

    Love this post. BTW, Fantastic Mr. Fox (the movie) was great! Will I get to hang with you at WPPI this year?

  3. hau says:

    Echoing wrecklessgirl’s sentiments. I definitely want to see Fantastic Mr. Fox!

  4. Susan says:

    kristy & hau: thank you my lovelies <3

    lisa: don't think so, but things can change!

  5. Apryl says:

    Loving the knitted chair cover. Eek so cute! Reminds me to finish my crochet project and then I can move on to knitting something. :)

  6. Victoria says:

    Absolutely stunning photos ! I’m in love with them !