The San Diego Fires…

October 22, 2007

This morning I woke up to the doorbell being run numerous times – our friend had come by to tell us that our area was having a mandatory evacuation. At first I was in a panic – I didn’t know what to pack! But then I went into turbo mode, and packed all the things that I knew I simply could not replace, and packed the car up and headed north to our friend’s place. As we headed from our place, we took the PCH, and headed up through Encinitas, where it was completely awful. When we reached Carlsbad, it was like night and day. The skies are still blue here, it’s pretty crazy.

I took a few photos on the way up and I will probably be posting more once this all dies down, but I just wanted to post as I went. I saw the fires overhead as I flew in from Sacramento last night, I didn’t realized how large of a magnitude this would get.

My thoughts are with those immediately affected right now, we’re praying for those who have already lost homes, and those who are praying for their own home’s safety (like we are right now!)

Thank you SO much to everyone who have offered their homes and their help. It makes me warm and fuzzy to know how many people care and makes you realize how important people and the things you actually take with you are. I will still be checking my email and I still have my cell phone. I’m going to try and get some work done while we are waiting, but it’s still pretty crazy.

Cardiff By The Sea

The smoke billowing over in Carlsbad

I’ll keep everyone posted if I find out more info, but for now, please keep us and others affected in your prayers!

8 Responses to “The San Diego Fires…”

  1. Stay safe, Susan, and best wishes.

  2. melissa says:

    huge hugs to you guys!! those photos are unreal susan…

  3. Trizza says:

    Stay safe! Hope you are able to go home soon!

  4. mel says:

    Glad to hear you’re safe, Susan! We’re actually flying in for a quick trip, which seems irrational with all that is going on there, but we had it scheduled for awhile. :( Stay safe!

  5. Hey girl, I hope you are able to get back in your house soon! I was evacuated Monday too (my birthday!) and got back last night. We are safe now, I’ll be thinking about ya! I posted two quick pictures of the fire on my blog, you should go look!

  6. Hazel says:

    That must’ve been a crazy sight to see the fires from up in the air. I thought about you when I saw on the news that your neck of the woods had mandatory evacs. I’m glad you made it out safely and that nothing terrible happened- your place is so cool!

  7. Jennie says:

    you and zach be safe sus

  8. Susan says:

    Matt — thanks so much for dropping by and saying that, i really appreciate it. :)
    Melissa — thanks so much dear!
    Trizza — thanks!!
    Mel — are you guys in town now? San Diego? Give me a ring if you are still around and have time :)
    Melissa — thanks so much! I saw those photos, some crazy stuff! Glad things have settled now. :)
    Hazel — thanks – it was pretty crazy seeing them, I never thought it would get as big as it did. It looked pretty menacing in the air too.
    Jennie — *hugs* thanks dear. :)