film fridays . 002.

July 2, 2010

UNIV & yarn shop – double exposure


UNIV & m.o.m side by side




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Two of my favorite local stores to browse and get inspiration from shot in film. UNIVm.o.m.

More about the m.o.m shop in a future post :)

4 Responses to “film fridays . 002.”

  1. Katie says:

    LOVE the first shot. Like, I’d frame it if you sold it, Love. :)

  2. amy says:

    these are *beautiful susan!
    i agree with katie! love love love the first shot as well ..

  3. Apryl says:

    Looking at these make me smile. I love the double exposure, really I think you should sell that image.

  4. such fun and colourful images!